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Top foods for good vision

The eyes are the windows to the soul, the saying goes; but what happens when the windows are neglected and the vision becomes foggy? As with any organ in our bodies, our eyes function best when they receive the right nutrients. And, according to a research by, adding the following foods to your diet can help improve your eye sight in no small ways:

Carrots: Good old carrots are great for the sight because they offer a large dose of beta-carotene which protects the eyes and reduces the risk of cataracts. Carrots can easily be included in your diet in the form of stir fried noodles, vegetables, salads or fried rice and can also be consumed and enjoyed in its raw form.

Turkey: Loaded with zinc and vitamin B, turkey meat is very effective when it comes to warding off cataract. It is also a healthier option than red meat and tastes great. It is definitely a terrific food for the eyes.

Sweet potatoes: This is a very easy accompaniment to any meal, as it contains loads of beta-carotene which makes them a total necessity when it comes to eye health.

Sardines: Extremely rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, sardines (or what we call Titus fish) should be included in your diet at least once a week to get the best
benefits out of it. They work by protecting the tiny blood vessels in the eyes and maintaining overall eye health.

Corn: The corn has a great source of zeaxanthin and lutein and also a fair source of beta carotene and Vitamin C, all of which work terrifically for your vision. Pair your corn with coconut, butter or good old pear to get the best out of this wonder food. When it comes to eating for your eyes, a good rule of thumb to remember is, eat well and your vision can last a life time.


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