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6 Surprising Health Benefits of Farting

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who love fart jokes and those who don’t. But there’s only one kind when it comes to passing gas. That kind is everyone. Although farting in public or in the company of other people is considered an unacceptable social behaviour, it has quite a few surprising health benefits.

Flatulence, passing gas or farting – no matter how you put it, is an essential part of digestion. Let’s discuss the stinking health benefits of letting one rip.

1. It’s good for your colon health

Parents tell their kids not to “hold it in”. That is actually a very good advice that should be followed throughout life. It’s not good for your health to hold it in for long periods of time. It’s not a good idea to hold in gas if you have other digestive issues as that can be the potential cause of medical troubles for your colon.

2. It reduces bloating

Unpassed gas may play a big role in making you feel bloated, especially after a big meal. Bloating is usually a feeling of swelling, which isn’t dangerous in most situations. However, bloating due to a buildup of gas is a discomfort more than anything else. Basically, let it go.

3. Early warning system

There’s no escaping a bodily function such as farting. You might be surprised to know that doctors can predict major health issues early from your gas. Increased farting frequency, extreme smells and unusual gas pains can be early symptoms of health conditions such as lactose intolerance, and even as extreme as colon cancer.

4. The smell is good for you

No, we are not kidding. Smelling farts can actually be healthy for you. Studies have shown that hydrogen sulphide, a compound we produce in small quantities in our gas, might actually save us from later illnesses. This gas smells like a “rotten egg” and may prevent strokes and heart diseases by staving off cell damage.

5. It can help you balance your diet

Balanced diets are vital for healthy living. Our farts might drop us big hints about what foods our guts need. Different foods produce different kinds of gas. This lets you know if you are lacking a particular type of food from your diet or if you are overeating a particular type. For example, if you pass gas very rarely, you probably need more fibre rich foods such as beans and kale.

Eating too much red meat might cause you to produce a very unpleasant smell which is an indication you need to cut back your consumption.

6. The relief is huge

What better feeling is there in releasing a fart you have been holding in for a long time!? The embarrassment of being caught by the wrong person while farting outweighs the relief. Holding in gas can make you snappish, uncomfortable, unhappy and grumpy. Releasing, boosts your moods considerably, as you’d expect.

So what are you waiting for? 🤷🏾‍♂


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