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Question: my wife and I are blood group O+ and our daughter is B+. Is this possible? 

I can think of five possibilities.
The first three both have unpleasant ramifications for you and your family.
First: You are not the father.
Second: There was a mix-up at the hospital and neither of you are the parents.
Third: Your wife was artificially inseminated with the wrong egg.
Forth: Blood typing is a two step process. One step looks for the presence of the blood type antigen. The second step detects the presence of the antibody against the non-present antibody. Individuals who are type A would have antibodies against type B. Type B individuals have antibodies against type A. Type O individuals have antibodies against both A and B. Type AB has antibodies against neither Types A or B.
There are rare cases where traditional blood typing fails.
There are weak subgroups of A and B which can lead to a failure to detect the surface antigen of the blood cells. There can also be inhibitor substances that can neutralize the antibodies used to detect the blood group antigen.
Immunosuppression can lead to a failure of the body to produce detectable elevations of the Anti-A or Anti-B antibody as can the blood drawn from an infant.
The last would be lab error.
All of these options are unlikely and I would recommend that each of you have your blood retyped. If the results are the same I would recommend discussing with your family whether DNA testing is appropriate.

Credits: Stephen Johnson 


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