The Body, very Important Asset for Life.
The Body is our vehicle for Life on earth, but apparently we value other things more than our bodies. For instance, We wash our cars weekly and put the best gasoline in them. We are careful about the service schedule and the type of oil we use for our cars and If something happens to the car, we immediately take it to the car service to fix it. However, when it comes to our real “car”, our body, we get lost on the way. When it comes to investing money in the ” good gas” for our bodies, we hesitate. Why is that? Is the car more valuable than our bodies? Is the Health of the car more important the health our bodies? The Answer is NO! We need to invest more on oiling our Machine i.e. our bodies. Comprehensive body checks should be undergone yearly. Complete health checkup is done in order to have a clear picture of a person's overall health, it means checking all aspects of vital health and finding out if there are any issues in early stage. Health check-ups are necessary especially for people with risk factors of different health problems. It can also help in early detection and treatment of a health disorder. This can be the difference between Life and Death.
Most Diseases are treatable if detected early bearing in mind that some diseases do not show symptoms until the later Stage, and in most cases by the time the symptoms show it's already late. A yearly Comprehensive health Checkup is advised, find below a list of checkups that comprises a COMPLETE HEALTH CHECK UP.
1. Complete Blood Count with ESR
2. Blood Sugar Fasting & Post Prandial -
3. Blood Urea & Creatinine (RFT) – Checks the Health of the Kidneys
4. Cholesterol Total(fasting lipid profile)
5. Liver function test
6. Urine Analysis – To detect Urinary tract infections & other infections
7. ECG
8. Chest X – Ray (Can be done once every 2-3 years)
9. Ultrasound - Abdomen
10. TMT / Echo - sonogram of the heart and Stress Test for the Heart
11. Pap Smear – screening of the Cervix for women
12. Mammogram – Breast Screening for Women
13. Prostate specific antigen test - for men as they get older
14. Gynecology consultation – For Women
15. General Physician Consultation
*hepatitis B and C, HIV screening
And any other investigation your doctors thinks necessary based on your risk factors.
Also maintaining a healthy lifestyle goes a long way to prevent and reduce incidence of diseases
Let us take our Health Seriously.
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